austerum dies

svet sa toci coraz rychlejsie a clovek nestiha za tym, co nevyriesene nechal vzadu za sebou, dynamika stupa podobne ako aj rychlost nasavania novych pojmov a podnetov ale co z toho ked tie stare ostali pevno zadratovane v mysli a nie a nie sa s nimi vnutorne vysporiadat…

Posledne dni mam velmi zvlastnu naladu, uvaznenu v horizonte minulosti v jednej kratkej udalosti ktora ako prisla, tak aj zmizla..svojou dolezitostou a prinosmi vsak pozmenila beh svojskych detailov…ako keby uplne nezistne tym zapecatila svoj zmysel a v dyme zabudnutia sa vytratila kdesi, kam nedociahnem…

Veci prichadzaju a odchadzaju…podobne ako ludia ci udalosti.. na niektore sa tesime, niektorym by sme sa najradsej vyhli…ale existuje urcita tendencia ‘prospesne nahody’ ucitevat, analyzovat alebo ak na to niet povahy…tak len  proste zapametat si ako dolezity kamen ktory nieco priniesol a teraz dostal cestne miesto pametnika v mysli toho, kto bojuje. mozno by som sa mal s tym uspokojit ze to tak je a nezmenim to, je to fakt proti ktoremu nemozem bojovat..ale pocit ze nebola povedana bodka ma trochu zoziera..

nestihol som sa ani rozlucit…

mozno to ma svoje pozitivum a prave to sa malo stat, to co sa nestalo bol mozno osud toho a zmysel ako to malo skoncit.. nieco ma vsak taha dalej. neviem.

neda sa zabudnut

do usi mi hra amethystium, podobne ako vtedy ked sa realita zrubala na tisice malych zeleznych trosiek a badatel sice trochu sklamany ale plny pochopenia ci dokonca radosti z vlastneho vyvinu sa pustil do stavania niecoho noveho, konstruktu ktory bude zhovievavy z casom a prisposobeny svedomiu alebo znalostiam danej doby..dalsi marker ako pripomienka.

A jedine tato pripomienka ma akosi tu moc ukludnit mysel a zvlastne na nej lipnem. akusticke liecivo neutralne vo svojej povahe ale zvlazane zo spomienkou na ktorej uz nezalezi. nevadi. je to len zvlastne. a nechce sa mi nad tym zamyslat.

vlastne sa mi nechce zamyslat nad nicim, najradsej by som bol keby to cele preslo ako prislo…ticho a bez naznakov. len tak zmizlo v minulosti tak ako prislo a keby mi bol prepaceny tento jeden nedorieseny papier na svojom stole skor ako zatvorim oci pre dnesny den, pre vsetky dni.

vo vnutri vsak cim dalej tym viac krici pocit…ze to az tak lachke nebude…

a ze sa caka na bodku..

a ist za tento pocit a ponaucit sa este viac…

Dear my love, haven’t you wanted to be with me
And dear my love, haven’t you longed to be free
I can’t keep pretending that I don’t even know you
And at sweet night, you are my own
Take my hand

We’re leaving here tonight
There’s no need to tell anyone
They’d only hold us down
So by the morning light
We’ll be halfway to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one know who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I’ve dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let’s run away, I’ll take you there

Forget this life
Come with me
Don’t look back you’re safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one’s left to stop you

Forget this life
Come with me
Don’t look back you’re safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one’s left to stop you now

Kuriozita pri jednom importe

Vcera, okolo 10tej vecer sa pomaly ale isto finishoval jeden task. Uloha spocivala v migracii jednej databazy z 9i a znakovej sady EE8ISO8859P2 na 10g a znakovu sadu EE8MSWIN1250 koli podpore € znaku (sa cudujem ze to vobec moja mfpicisticky vycreatovana mysql-ka na tomto stroji zozere;]])

Migracia prebehla v poriadku niekolkokrat na testovackach, procedura bola doklepana a takmer foolproof, neocakaval som vela postmigracnych problemov..mala to byt skor rutinna operacia…v tom sa udialo mierne wtf

IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1843:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1843 encountered
ORA-01843: not a valid month

nedokazal som pochopit co je na tom datume divne, uz vobec nie preco je podla Oraclu januar neplatny mesiac, v kazdom pripade som skusil zmenit rok a skusit alter uz z naimportovanej ak je niekde zadratovany valid date range…

tosh nepomohlo..pruser. treba to nejak osefovat…tak som skusal rozne triky a finty definicie toho pola az sa mi to nakoniec po vyse hodine a pol podarilo… s presne tou istou syntax ktoru mi import ofuckoval. WTF?!? dopice!!! kurva!!!!

spokojny s vysledkom ze som sa aspon pohol dalej som postupom vyreplikoval dependent objects (constraints, triggers, indexy  apodobne). Nakoniec vsetko dopadlo ako malo. az z rozdielom planovaneho konca ktory mal byt povodne 20:00 ale bol 00:11 ;]

moralne ponaucenie do checklistu:

1;) NEVER Oracle sqldeveloperu a jeho export data in import syntax (jebe kktiny a namiesto bodkociarkoveho delimiteru pouziva kym som pochopil kolka bije bolo 11;]

2;)predtym ako z konzoly insertujes do tabulky nezabudni vypnut triggere na insert;]]

3;)ak zlyha import tabulky zhyhaju vsetky dependent objekty vcetne grantov. na tie nabuduce nezabudni

4;)checkuj df -k inak schytas infarkt ked ti po 5tich hodinach spadne import a possibly nejake produkcne veci koli nedostatku miesta na disku. to by uz fakt bolo moc;]

close your eyes
let me touch you now
let me give you something that is real
close the door
leave your fears behind
let me give you what you’re giving me
you are the only thing
that makes me want to live at all
when i am with you
there’s no reason to pretend
that when i am with you i feel flames again
just put me inside you
i would never ever leave
just put me inside you
i would never ever leave


Niekto si chcel byt isty;]

Nejaky pracudesny input handler.. Musim vsak uznat koderovu snahu catchnut kazdu stupidnu odpoved a korektne ju evaluovat;DD

if (answer.equals("y") ||
answer.equals("yes") ||
answer.equals("yep")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("ok")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("proceed")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("affirmative")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("positive")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("correct")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("aye")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("fine")) {
return true;
if (answer.equals("yar")) {
return true;

Majovia, kalendar, asociacie a kus tmy v svetle [alebo svetle v tme]

Blue Storm

Tone 4: Self-Existing – Measure & Discipline

Blue Storm is your Conscious
Self – who you are and who you are becoming.

Storm is the initiation by fire, the lightning path, the arrival of
the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, Blue
Storm represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain,
and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. Blue
Storm is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the
light body. In these last years of a twenty-six-thousand-year Mayan
grand cycle, Blue Storm comes to help you in the disintegration process
that moves you from separation to ascension. This initiation by fire
breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame
of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires,
for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.

Blue Storm provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual
thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to surrender
everything. You give up what you seem to be in order
to become fully what you are. You step into the fires
of the unknown, and you are changed forever.

Blue Storm catalyzes and prepares your nervous system and circuitry
for complete transformation. It is the electromagnetic storm of transmutation,
the clearing and quickening of your physical, mental, emotional, and
etheric bodies. As you become aligned with the descending energies,
and evolve in consciousness, you body’s vibration is raised, becoming
less ‘dense’. Your new alignment ignites the quickening process that
transmutes the shadows of the past, including experiences, judgements,
thoughtforms, and old patterns that have held you back.

As you move into this new vibration, you may feel off balance. In this
transformational shift, you will feel unusual quickenings on every level
of your being. You will sense emotional and physical ‘imbalances’ and
restructuring. Your issues will be catalyzed and brought out for you
to address. By being present with your old patterns you have a unique
opportunity to access the energy of Blue Storm, which is experienced
as an inner transformational ‘storm’, a natural part of the process
of vibrational shift and quickening.

Whether you are experiencing these changes consciously or unconsicously,
the vibrational change is adjusting your energy pattern to accomodate
the flow of the language of light. These new frequencies feed you on
every level of your being. As your transformation progresses, you quickly
become aware of the unconscious material you still need to process.
No longer can you escape the effects of your belief systems. Fears and
negative images can all be felt very quickly. The transformation is
experienced as if it were happening ‘from the inside out’. Things seem
to ‘cook’ inside you.

Remember that you have chosen to take part in this
rebirth, both on a planetary and a personal level – the planetary dream,
the miracle on Earth, is what brought you here! You are becoming the
living model of the new reality. As an emissary of the great change,
you are a transformer of the collective myth. Riding the crest of the
wave, you are travelling both outward and inward on your journey home
– for yourself and for all those who will follow after you.

A simple catalyst for this catapulting force is the integration of duality
within. The personal integration of shadow is what will create the miracle!
Personal shadow is simply that which is separated from the full light
of consciousness. By integrating shadow, you are freed from delusions
of right or wrong, good and evil. Shadow provides an opportunity for
you to bring in all of your expanded essence.

Consciousness is a structural metaphor that is calling for transformation.
As your consciousness becomes crystallized, narrow, and complex, it
invites the process of dissipaton to ‘unravel’ and break it free. As
you travel the spiral vortex of light, expanding into ever-widening
realms of truth, your crystallized energy breaks down and trasncends
form. This process can be very intense, but if you embrace it, you can
be transformed into a freed adventurer – a divine actor who can play
any part without becoming attached to it.

Blue Eagle is your Higher Self &

Blue Eagle reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment
as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your
personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener,
a transformer, an empowered gloal visionary. In your vision, you have
compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global
consciousness. Ask yourself how you might experience compassion toward
self, the Earth, and others. Be guided towards types of work, relationships,
places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary
perspective. Affirm: “Through your, Gaia, I am also transformed!
I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one.
Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and
together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers.”

It is up to each one of us to hold a positive vision and affirmation,
for the means by which this miracle will occur is through changes in
the one affecting the greater whole.

Imagine the profound impact your loving thoughts have on planetary mind.
You do make a difference! As you connect individually
with the larger crystal grid network, your power is multiplied exponentially.
This galactic grid is also known as the Mayan cobweb.

The greatest gift you can offer to the planet is to simply be
the love. Believe in yourself and your dreams and visions! Remember
your special gifts, your path of service on Earth, your promise to serve
the light. Everything you are connects to the greater whole. You are
starseeded! You have the vision of the eagle. Believe in your dreams.
You are the hope and the vision revealed.

White Wind is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.

White Wind is the galactic wind, the catalyzing current,
the Spirit that moves through all things. It is the divine breath that
gives life to all creation, the unseen essence of solar energy. White
Wind is the breath of inspiration, the fertilizing force of the wind.
Its essence is the movement of Spirit as it penetrates into form to
enliven, purify and inspire.

Receive the gift of White Wind by simply taking a conscious breath.
Amidst the seemign complexity, beathe consciously. Allow your life to
be more like the wind, free-flowing and open to Spirit.

White Wind represents spontaneity and simplicity. As you experience
the truth of the present moment, White Wind leaves you free to move
on to the next moment without the baggage of desire, regret or expectation.
White Wind is the simple knowledge that invisible forces are always
moving in your life, guiding and inspiring.

White Wind also embodies the concept of presence. Presence is an expression
of beingness, a creator of intimacy. It has to do with being wise in
your simplicity. From simple beingness, your true identity emerges.
Presence is being open, aware, and in the now. Presence is ‘being there’
for whatever is.

Think back to a time when someone looked deeply into your eyes, acknowledging
your beingness with their full presence. Remember how wonderful and
intimate that felt. When you wnat to be intimate with someone, become
equally open, aware, and present. When you bring your awareness into
the present moment, everything else falls away. When you are fully present,
your mind is not preparing responses to what it is hearing while you’re
listening and feeling. Drop your evaluating and reactive nature. Trust
that your heart will have the appropriate response when the time comes.
Allow your mind to be quietly responsive, like a pool of water, natural
in its unconditional acceptance of the moment.

Presence is simple. It is like being caught in the moment by the beauty
of nature. Presence is your natural state of being. When you are present,
your heart feels open, charged, full. When you are present, whether
alone or with another, you are loose and relaxed. Time may seem to slow
down. You can expand your awareness with ease, allowing yourself to
truly see and be seen. You let your feelings speak through your eyes,
and the ‘feeling channel’ in you breathes freely, without expectation
or judgement.

Red Moon represents your Challenge and Gift. With
maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is
what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

One shadow of Red Moon is the tendency to float in the
river of forgetfulness, feeling separate from clear awareness and guidance.
Due to the influence of the collective trance, you may have unthinkingly
accepted the beliefs and values of your culture. Because of the illusion
of separation from the Divine, this trance may have deepened your experience
of forgetting.

Another shadow aspect of Red Moon is the tendency to direct
your life primarily on the desires and needs of your ego instead of
opening to the guidance of your Essence Self. Choices at your “growth
edge” may feel unsure, for they transform your beliefs on your
journey toward wholeness. Your intuitive guidance and internal proddings
will trigger remembrance of what seems to have been forgotten. Pay attention
to any sensory signs, any guidance that gives you strong feelings. In
the larger pattern of cosmic communication that is available in each
moment, these signs are painted everywhere. Be the translator-beacon.
Let Red Moon awaken the interpreter within you who decodes such signs.
Let Red Moon assist you in clearly understanding your perceptions.

Remembrance is a natural process. Use it naturally, without
becoming obsessed with it. Being overly concerned with remembrance can
actually hamper your process. Also be aware of any tendency to look
to others for information about your remembrance. As fellow journeyers,
we catalyze each other; however, you are the one who truly
knows. Don’t get lost or confused by looking outside yourself.

Another shadow of Red Moon is self-deprecation. In this
shadow you may feel like hiding your light so that it limits you from
being seen as the beacon you truly are. This tendency can stem from
your shy or wounded inner child, whose sensitivity may have been suppressed
thorugh life experiences. This may create a desire to withdraw or feelings
of aloneness and insecurity. On the other side of this shadow, you may
be overidentified with being the beacon for others. Such issues show
you what is between you and the clear expression of all that you are.

Self-criticism may be supported by internal self-talk,
which brings to awareness the negative self-judgements that have been
separated unconsciously into shadow. You have picked up your internal
critic from the judgements of a critical world. Red Moon invites you
to heal the inner critic. Take the blinders off. Make a conscious effort
to reframe self-talk that is self-diminishing. Be aware of your response
to the judgemental and critical remarks of others. Allow relationships
with others to support your fullest expression. As you stand in your
own light, you will naturally fulfill that which you came here to do.

Yellow Sun is your Compliment – something that comes
naturally to you.

“I Am that I Am…I Am that I Am…I Am that I Am.”
This mantra of Yellow Sun is a meditation for accessing the I Am presence
that contains great power and universal truth. Yellow Sun is the mystery
unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and limitless bliss.
Known by many names, Yellow Sun is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light,
the Center that is also your center. Yellow Sun is your solar home,
the Great Central Sun.

Yellow Sun is a reminder that you are, at every moment, in the center
of All That Is. In your journey of remembrance, you are crafting a light
body to return to a home in the stars that you never really left. Return
as a child of the sacred to the Great Central Sun! You are the crown
of creation, infused with the blueprint of solar mind. You are a Godseed,
the reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible!

Discover the simple secret encoded in Yellow Sun’s star-glyph: you are
unconditional love, the stone of indestructible liberation. Radiate
that knowing in all your thoughts and actions. Love all of creation.
Join the dance of light, the fundamental constant of nature, and shine
forth the clarity of your true essence. There is great power in simply
identifying with the light:”As above, so below.” You are in
God, and God is in you.

As you express unconditional love, you become more than you previously
perceived yourself to be. You become illumined, the full manifestation
of your divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and
others unconditionally. Magnify your full presence. Yellow Sun will
come in myriad forms to assist you. Be limitless. Accept and understand
the nature of judgement, fear, light and dark within yourself and others.
Love and accept yourself and others as you are, freed from previous
boundaries. You are the dawning of the solar age.

As you move toward your core of light, you will find a clear-light awareness
that is innately innocent. In this place, the mind is restored to it’s
original state of receptivity. Clarity and freedom become expressions
of being, and bliss becomes the body. At this core of light, a new reality
is born. From the union of the divine masculine and feminine is birthed
the solar androgyny of cosmic consciousness.

Now we find ourselves in a great awakening. We have the opportunity
to retrace our steps, to return to union with Original Cause. We who
have deepened the illusion of seperation are now poised to retrieve
what seemed to be lost forever. Through the gift of rebirth and ascension,
we are reclaiming our original state of union with God. We are going

The process of rebirth and ascension can be viewed simply as the raising
of the vibratory rate of the Earth and her children. It is embodied
in the state of consciousness that knows the self as divine. The circlet,
or crown, is a symbol of recognizing and knowing that divine self. So
the crown as a sacred tool is a universal symbol of the completion of
a circle of self-empowerment and self-authority. Full ascension is the
freedom to take your physical form with you to other planes and dimensions.
In preparation for the ascension, there is an opening and clearing of
your light seals and chakras. If you choose to walk this path, know
that in the embodiment of your “I Am” self, you will learn
to accept all things unconditionally, forgiving and releasing all judgements
of yourself and others. The activation of solar mind and ascension is
already in progress. In divine fusion, you are becoming the one body
of the ascension.

Open your heart as a flower to the Sun, and become the
same love that holds universes together!

Your Tone is Tone 4 – Self-Existing

Order, definition, discrimination, natural cycles, meaningful

Four is the ray of measure, the alignment with natural cycles.
It is the square, the base of the pyramid, the solid foundation that
unifies the lines of directional force. Four is the diamond asking you
to utilize tools of discrimination.

Now is the time to manifest your dream or vision. Look to natural logic,
order and definition – these gifts support the whisperings of your creative
spirit. You are the architect who manifests your dreams! Open
the door and call forth the sacred Four. You are being brought into
meaningful alignment, bringing healing into this cycle of your life.

The four directions offer you assistance in understanding universal
physical laws. Use measure as a tool of consciousness to mold time,
form and space. Now is the time to focus, to connect tangibly
with the undefined. Take your ideas and give them discipline and form.
Develop the ability to discriminate without creating separation or judgement.
Channel your creative energy constructively, generating the power for
practical manifestation!

ORACLE: Klonovanie privilegii uzivatelov medzi databazami

nieje zle mat na ociach tento skript:]

set lines 150;
set pages 200;
spool duplicate.sql
select 'grant '|| GRANTED_ROLE ||' to '||GRANTEE||';' from dba_role_privs where grantee='&grantee';
select 'grant '|| PRIVILEGE ||' to '||GRANTEE||';' from dba_sys_privs where grantee='&grantee';
select 'grant '|| PRIVILEGE ||' on '||OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME|| ' to ' ||GRANTEE|| ';' from dba_tab_privs where grantee='&grantee';
spool off

ORACLE: sessions

Poznate to..

Vo svete IT sa casto vyskytuju situacie, ked nieco (aplikacia, skript, query) nebezi tak ako by podla ocakavani mala..a je to potrebne killnut. Vo vacsine pripadov to nieje ziadna extra velka issue..v OS Windows je mozne zabit svoje procesy a procesy ktore by ma mohli zauimat, prekticky bez problemov, v unixovych prostrediach tiez..ale v databazovych prostrediach je (pokial nechcete dat kazdemu userovi privilegium na alter system) trochu problem. DBA su v principe lenivy ludia a to posledne, co chcu je dat privilegia ktore su schopne rozhasit databazu uzivatelom ale tiez nechcu, aby sa nikto bez nich nezaobysiel.

riesenie?: funkcia killsid. procedura a funkcia  moze mat dva mody operacie a to dedit privilegia toho, kto ju spusti alebo dedit privilegia schemy v ktorej je zapisana. ak teda zapisem funkciu do systemovej schemy ktora ma grant na alter system, pridelim jej public synonymum a dam uzivatelom na nu pravo na select, dorobim do nej pre istotu nejake logovanie a checky ze kazdy moze zostrelit len vlastnu session prakticky mam po probleme. a voila: hotovy skript:

grant select on sys.v_$session to ops$oracle;
grant select on sys.v_$mystat to ops$oracle;


(    "KTO" VARCHAR2(30 BYTE),

create or replace FUNCTION          "OPS$ORACLE"."kill_sid" (

USR varchar(50);
PROC_OWNER varchar(50);
PROC_STAT varchar(50);
SNUMBER integer;
queryna varchar(2000);
log_schemaname varchar(2000);
log_machine varchar(2000);
datum varchar(50);


SELECT USERNAME into USR FROM sys.v_$session WHERE sid = ( SELECT sid FROM sys.v_$mystat WHERE rownum = 1);
select USERNAME,STATUS,SERIAL#, machine, schemaname into PROC_OWNER,PROC_STAT,SNUMBER, log_machine, log_schemaname from sys.v_$session where sid=SID_TO_KILL and serial#!=1 and username!=' ' and rownum = 1;
if (sql%found) then
dbms_output.put_line('My username:' || USR);
dbms_output.put_line('SID OWNER:' || PROC_OWNER);
dbms_output.put_line('SID STAT:' || PROC_STAT);
dbms_output.put_line('SNUMBER:' || SNUMBER);

execute immediate 'insert into KILLSID_LOG (SID,KTO,ODKIAL,SID_OWNER,SCHEMANAME,KEDY) values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)' using SID_TO_KILL,USR,log_machine,PROC_OWNER,log_schemaname,datum;
if USR <> PROC_OWNER then
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000,'nemozem zabit session ktora nieje tvoja!');
queryna:='Alter system kill session ''' || SID_TO_KILL|| ',' || SNUMBER||'''';
execute immediate queryna;
return 'ok,killed';
end if;
end if;

EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 'cant find this SID';

grant alter system to OPS$ORACLE;

and still, i wonder….